The images above are from Altered Beast on Sega Genesis (bundled with the console).
First game I played on this console. The game is a side scroller beat'em up and based on Power-ups which give extra abilities to the player like increasing the player character's strength, size and combat abilities.
This blog post will talk about the first power-up I target: Weightlifting !!!
Here are Benefits of Lifting Weights and Strength Training:
- Bigger / Strong Muscles
More info:
- Optimal sports performance / Athletic Strength
- Improved metabolic and vascular health, a Healthy Heart
- Better Mood / Mental and Emotional Health
- Self more Confidence
- Stronger Bones
- Youth Development
- Healthy Ageing
- Boosts Brain function
- Solid Balance and Stability / Good Posture
- Live longer
- Healthy Body Fat Levels
- Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
I began to be interested in weight lifting the last year of my high school.
I tried a commercial gym next to this school during that time.
A lot of basic machines (air), dumbbells, cardio machines (bikes, steps, rowings).
The experience was not bad but I'm not a big fan of those air machines.
I didn't find it efficient so I tried other solutions: other gym(s) or created my home gyms with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells and machines with somes plates that I can stack.
The Result: I like everything with steel and simple (e.g. dumbbells, kettlebell, barbells) compared to sophisticated equipment (e.g. air machines, pulleys, machines all-in-one).
It's been more than 2 decades since I lift weights with various training intervals and methods. At the beginning, I bought a lot of magazines about that. Especially the ones with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover. Followed with websites and books.
A couple of years ago, I read an article from Jason Parce and I like the idea which is:
Read 1 book on a topic and you will know more than 50% of people. You’ll be able to talk about the topic at an elementary to intermediate level with pretty much anyone.
Read 3 books on a topic and you will know more than 95% of people. It will be obvious that you know more about the topic than pretty much anyone who isn’t a professional in the space. Most people will not challenge your knowledge of the subject.
Read 10 books on a topic and you will be a subject matter expert. Know more than 99.999999% (0.000001% of the world’s population is 7000 people). People will not f*** with you.
So the next part will be 3 books that I recommend about weights lifting and strength training!
The first book is Strength Training Anatomy from Frederic Delavier.
This book contains 7 chapters: Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Back, Legs, Buttocks, Abdomen.
Every chapter shows exercises to train and develop these muscles with different options: Dumbbell, Barbell, Machines (e.g. Pulleys), ...
It's very detailed. Every exercise shows what muscles are solicited.
- Triceps Kickbacks works on Triceps Brachii (Lateral and Long heads) and Anconeus.
- Dumbbell Squats works on Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius), Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.
- Barbell Shrugs works on Trapezius (upper portion).
Here is a video preview of the book inside:
The second book is The Strength Training Anatomy Workout: Starting Strength with Bodyweight Training and Minimal Equipment from Frederic Delavier and Michael Gundill.
The first book was about exercises. This one also talks about exercises and also include somes processes to improve performance (e.g. How Should you Breathe While Exercising).
The book is divided in 3 parts:
1: Develop Your Strength Training Program: Equipment, Resistance/Endurance, Role of Diet, Rest, Negatives, Supersets, ...
2: Exercises: Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Neck, Back, Legs, Abdominals
3: Programming: Men's/Women's Strength, Sport-Specific Training.
The last book is The Strength Training Anatomy Workout II from the same authors (Frederic Delavier and Michael Gundill).
"More exercises and programs for serious strength, power, and muscle!"
The book is divided in 3 parts:
1: Advanced Techniques to help keep processing (e.g. How Can You Strengthen a Weak Area)
2: Exercises for the Main Muscle Groups (e.g. Calf Exercises)
3: Workout Programs (Beginner & Advanced Programs)
You can get those 3 books for about $50 on Amazon:
Above was my hotel room where I stayed for about 4 months in Nagoya / Japan in 2008.
The job sent me there to help a production team to ship 4 games in a short period of time.
I didn't subscribe to a gym but I went to a commercial center and found push-up bars / handles:
I was able to do this exercise inside this tiny room and try different variation to work specific muscles:
I still have these handles and I use them almost every week to do a quick or additional training.
When I wrote this post, I looked again at my Nagoya pictures (2008) and upload somes:
Thanks for reading,