Here is my second blog post for January and it will be short.
I have been using this open source application called youtube-dl for at least one year.
It's pretty useful to download Youtube videos. It also works with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, 9Gag and other websites with videos.
The main purpose that I used was to backup some of my old Youtube Channels and the main one I use.
Nothing is eternal so it's always nice to have some backups in case.
Every minute, 500 hours of content are uploaded on Youtube which I don't think will stay forever.
Also, it could be useful if the internet goes down or a big energy crisis happens which will be very surprising (black swan event) !
There is also Internet Archive that does a wonderful job for archiving "Internet" specially websites as a time machine and for old games but not for Youtube Videos.
[Tip of the post] if you get this kind of error with youtube-dl "ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 2]": the output filename is not supported, you can specify the output filename by adding "-o output.mp4".