The first update of the year is MisterPug and through a quick blog post.
Quick recap:MisterPug is a web search page generator that scans your files (e.g. locally, web server, NAS) and generates a web page with a quick search filter.
Here is the new change for the version 1.1:
- Dark theme mode supported
- Display size in kilobytes instead of bytes
- Better way to export links
Dark Theme
By adding "--dark" into the command line like: "misterpug C:\YourFolder --dark", you will generate a dark theme web page.
Here is an example where I updated my Youtube mirror web page into a dark theme with MisterPug.
File Size
Above is the difference between the new version (1.1) and the previous one where it will display file size in kilobytes (KB) instead of bytes for a better readability.
Next Releases
There is one feature inside my backlog for this project that I would like to release one day which is to generate thumbnails.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have a feature in mind or any feedback.