Filelander is an application that will scan your selected folder to find and delete your duplicate files.
TL:DR; I bought a new NAS and I created this tool in one day (3/29/2021) to avoid deleting manually duplicating files on my multiple backups.
I will also use this software for other projects (e.g cloud) and I share this one so people could use for their cases.
Use Case
Here is the Before/After when I run Filelander on my pictures folder.
~36% of the size was from duplicate files. 11 Gigabytes of duplicate files deleted.
Two Modes
The first mode is this button below where it will delete automatically all duplicate files:
The second mode is you choose which file will become unique:
Features List
Delete All Duplicate Files: In one click, delete all duplicate files
Delete Duplicate Group Files: Delete all duplicates but keep one file you choose
Direct Open: Open files direct from the application
Free: This app is free. If you feel motivated to support my work, you can buy me a beer or more with the PayPal/Venmo buttons (bottom page)